Cut Tip of Baby's Finger With Nail Clippers

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I cut my baby's finger :(

Old 03-14-2011, 06:31 PM

I was trying to trim her nails and I KNOW I should have used the nail file but I couldn't find it, and she pulled her hand away right as I closed the clippers. It got the tip of her thumb and cut it a little and it just BLED forever! I put pressure on it and washed it, and then finally put a little round bandaid over the tip of her thumb to keep the pressure on and stop the bleeding, which it did. I don't think the cut is THAT bad though, because she only cried a little and then seemed fine. But she's 4 months old and loves to suck her thumb. I put one of those baby mittens over her hand, and she's asleep now, but I'm so worried she'll get it off in the night and start sucking her thumb. What if she choked on the bandaid??

I called my mom freaking out, and she came over (she lives close) and proceeded to just give me more things to worry about. What if she needs stitches? What if we should have gone to the ER? What if she choked on the bandaid? What if she's allergic to the latex on the bandaid and breaks out in hives? Come on, Mom! I feel bad enough! So now all those worries are running thru my head.

I just feel AWFUL! I rarely use the nail clippers anyway, usually I file or even bite her nails, and now I'm NEVER going to use them again! Please tell me she's going to be okay!!

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Old 03-14-2011, 06:36 PM

She'll be fine, I promise. Has it quit bleeding? If so, no trip to the ER is necessary. Is she breaking out? If not, she's not allergic. If you are worried about her getting the band aid in her mouth, take it off before you go to bed. I bet if it starts bleeding again, she won't like the taste of it. Put down a blanket that you can easily wash or throw away in case she does bleed more.

I shut DD's fingers in the dishwasher when she was about 7 months old. Her little fingers were bent the wrong way and everything. I totally cried harder than she did. I promise you are not the only mom to hurt her baby, accidentally of course.

Best wishes! I hope it heals up nicely!!

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Old 03-14-2011, 06:43 PM

I cut my little girl's finger the first time I cut her nails. I cried more than she did! She will live. You will feel bad every time you see the cut until it heals. It will heal quickly though!

Since it's something she likes to suck on, keep an eye out for possible germies/infections. I, too, would take the bandaid off before you go to bed.

Hugs, KatieViolet!

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If she bleeds on the blanket

Old 03-14-2011, 06:51 PM

or sheets, just pour hydrogen peroxide on the stain. It will bubble up into a white foam and remove the stain. It sometimes needs to be repeated a couple of times. It won't remove the color from the sheet or blanket.

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Bad Mother Award

Old 03-14-2011, 06:52 PM

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Old 03-14-2011, 06:58 PM

Sounds like we have the same mom.
You are not the first or last mom to ever do this. The clippers or file are the best way to trim the nails though. She's okay. She won't be scarred for life.

Take the bandaid off before you go to bed. Clean her finger in the morning, put antibiotic ointment on it with a new bandaid and the mitt in the morning.

I've slammed DD's various body parts in many things including a door (she had fingers in the other end) dryer (she grabbed the bottom of the opening to bend over just as I closed it) fridge (scared her more than anything) and even choked her when I rolled up the window, not knowing that in the nanosecond it took me to look away from the rearview mirror and roll her window up, she stuck her head out to yell at someone in the parking lot.

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I also

Old 03-14-2011, 07:09 PM

cut my son's finger the first time I cut his nails. He was a few days old, and kept scratching his face with his nails. Those darn newborn fingernails are so bendy, and almost impossible to cut. I also started crying. He was fine in a few minutes.

You've passed a painful Mama Milestone - it will make you (and baby) stronger.

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Old 03-14-2011, 07:26 PM

Ugh. My oldest baby is 13, and I remember vividly the evening I cut his finger with the clippers. The bendy newborn nails, as someone said--auuuggghhh!!! He looked shocked, like he would have said,"What the he!!, Mama!" He didn't really cry---but I sure did. It still makes me cringe when I think about it, but he healed with no problem whatsoever. Yes, I'd take the bandaid off. Too tempting.

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Old 03-14-2011, 08:23 PM

I did that once too with a 2 month old foster child we had at the time. It is so heartbreaking and you feel terrible when you do it, but your baby will be fine. I think I would remove the bandaid though. I think if he sucks his thumb during the night he will be fine. (((HUGS)))


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Old 03-14-2011, 08:53 PM

I think just about every mom has done that at least once. She'll be fine. I agree that I'd worry about the bandaid, if it's on a finger she sucks on. I'd take that off.

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Old 03-15-2011, 02:27 AM

I cut my son when he was little as well. My hubby never let me forget it. It is a rite of passage for every mom. I have also used cuticle scissors for baby nails. it will work and might give you more control. If you get the chance tell your mom you worry enough about your bundle without her "help".

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Old 03-15-2011, 04:30 AM

This is your first child, I am guessing?

All the PP advice is wonderful.

Bottom line: She'll be fine and she'll forget it unless you document it in her scrapbook...

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Old 03-15-2011, 06:37 AM

(((Hugs))) I've heard that happens! I'm sure your DD is fine! It's probably more traumatic on you than on her.

You could try this-I always bit my baby's nails for the first year. I just started using a clipper on my DD now that she's 13 months. I know it sounds funny to bite their nails, but it really does work!

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Old 03-15-2011, 03:21 PM

You probably cried more than she did, uh? That happened to me once when I clipped my daughter's nails when she was a baby.....she'll be OK. Don't beat yourself up!

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Old 03-15-2011, 04:39 PM

Oh, I remember that day like it was yesterday and my DS is 24!!! I cried and cried and cried. I thought they'd take my kid away from me! He lived and grew up just fine!

((((HUGS)))) First of many tears over your baby!

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Old 03-15-2011, 05:15 PM

This makes me feel better. I cut my one month old's little finger. As you said I didn't think it was ever going to stop bleeding. He had a scab for about a week and then was just fine. Momma still isn't though. It has been two months and I have yet to cut his nails again. His lovely babysitter does it for me.

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I split my baby's head open...

Old 03-15-2011, 05:40 PM

When DD was about 6 months old we'd just moved to FL. I had her on the changing table under the window. I had taken the venetian blinds down and washed them outside, then rehung them. At the exact moment I was changing her the blind fell off the window and the sharp end hit her in the middle of her forehead. Of course it bled like crazy -- head wounds always do. I grabbed her and a kitchen towel and ran to my neighbor, who drove us to the hospital. They took x-rays and stitched her up.

I remember two things---
First, before they took the x-ray the tech asked me if I could be pregnant and I laughed a little hysterically and said "No way." She looked at me oddly. What she didn't know was that DH was at sea, and had been since DD was 4 days old. So no hanky-panky going on then!!

Second, I expected to get a visit from Navy personnel investigating child abuse, and was on pins and needles for days. But no one ever showed up. That was a relief.

Then there was the day DH came back from sea duty and insisted I teach him how to change her diaper, so he could do them from then on. As I'm shoving in the diaper pin she started screaming, and he wondered if I'd poked her. "Of course not," I proudly assured him. "I know what I'm doing." I showed him, and lo and behold --- the diaper pin was going in her thigh here... and poking out there... She recovered and is fine, though 30 years later she does have a tiny scar on her forehead, barely visible on her very pale skin.

Moral of the stories --- Babies are TOUGH! Fortunately.

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Old 03-15-2011, 07:02 PM

You are in very good company, as you can see. I did that with my DD the very first time I cut her nails with a clippers as well. I couldn't believe how much blood came out of that little finger!! She will be just fine though. It will take you longer to get over it than her! (speaking from my own experience on that one )

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Cut Tip of Baby's Finger With Nail Clippers


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