I Am Grateful For My Place And Purpose In The World

I am an inspired individual, whose daily footprint is best expressed through words and thoughts in writing.
Each solar day is a blessing, some say a gift.

For those of us who have the skilful fortune of receiving honey, support from friends and family, have a option regarding our education and vocations. They tin can surely hope to evolve acquire and find peace and contentment with our choices.

At that place are people less able to make choices because affliction or a disability or social circumstances limits their dreams, hopes, and aspirations.

Success is measured in many ways, and not necessarily by wealth and fame.

 If I was to define success I would say the following

The success story of humanity lies in the way we collaborate and share our qualities positively with the rest of the human race. I am about grateful for my journey from youth to present.
I may non be a chief executive or drive an expensive vehicle or possess expensive materialistic items, but my place and purpose and positive choices are important footprints in my daily space and the infinite I share with others.

Similar others, I have experienced suffering and pain, but steered myself through darkness with positive thoughts. My choices take not always steered me along a positive path, simply knowing, that others are suffering in the world, are victims of cruelty or geographical disasters, confirmed that I am in position to make choices, some of which are skilful, some bad.

I am most grateful for my inner strength

Grateful for the gifts life has blessed me with, and grateful that I recognize my purpose as a sentient man being. Grateful for all I have received in my life journey, of living and learning the many unlike life events and experiences on my journey. As well grateful for the space I occupy on this wonderful planet and the energy I emanate daily to all in my personal and professional arenas.

I am grateful that I feel established and comfortable with the homo beingness I am, my place and purpose. Therefore I find little reason to complain.
My achievements may non exist grand or brand ground breaking news.

But their significance and purpose are footprints from my journeying.
I am at peace with myself , happy and content.

Grateful is a positive word

Below is an acrostic verse form to which I can connect with in my life journey. ©






Faith (in humanity)



Delight see below an affirmation poem I wrote.

'Life force'

Nosotros are beautiful instruments,
Living in the ever ongoing
Mysterious orchestra of free energy.
That delivers our purpose and grace.
Then we may emanate our own individual
music to share
and be received as gifts
of humanity in the hearts
of those with whom we
Share our globe.

By Stephanie Alexandra Howard ©

I hope yous all bask.

Peace and Blessings ~ Stephanie Howard.

Grew upwardly in the N of England as a young kid, steered my style through a difficult human relationship with my mother and stepfather. Most of my spare time and school holidays was spent with my sis who had wellness difficulties.

In the early on role of my life journey I was fortunate to have two wonderful uncles in my life. They recognized my creative gift for words and writing thus encouraged me to express myself through words and writing.

I reverberate on those moments  in my journeying shared with two wonderful human beings and their wonderful minds, whose influence left an impression so  my journey would grow and evolve. As a outcome I grew to be who I am and limited my gratitude, compassion and energy, through my beloved of words and writing.

I work total fourth dimension not as a writer, merely I am in the process of writing a book a thought/verse form/affirmation for each solar day of the year I belong to the spiritual writers network who have published two of my poems. ©

Here at Positive Words Inquiry, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn't been published on other sites and then if yous are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

life force


Source: https://positivewordsresearch.com/i-am-grateful-for-my-place-and-purpose-in-the-world/

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